His name was Shadow Millbrook, Hahaha! You know, first pet's name & street you grew up on...well maybe that's for stripper names, but anyway Brent decided to shave his beard off at his sister's wedding, and this ended up being the middle stage. He likes to call it "Bringing Sexy Back!" I thought my dad was going to fall over laughing so hard.
The wedding weekend was a blast, and we couldn't have asked for better weather in the Florida Keys. The ceremony was officiated by a Priest and a Rabbi, and was probably one of the coolest ceremonies we have ever seen. Throughout the weekend we really just took the time to relax, especially by the pool, with tropical drink in hand. Brent got to go fishing on Friday morning, while I went running in the warm rain...AWESOME, since we don't get much rain to run in at home. Then Saturday morning got to play tennis with mom. Saturday was the wedding and reception, here's some highlights: Kristin and Brian are married, Dougie wore a suit, Mom P got lifted up in a chair at the reception, Dad P gave a wonderful speech, we learned where Brent got his dance moves, and Emily and Diane just hung out drinking margharitas and wine.
Sunday was a sad day, as we had to leave the warm weather and head home to snow...
Until later, here are some pics to enjoy!
At the Rehearsal Dinner
Pics before the wedding
First dance
Nothing but smooth moves
Sexy Christmas Card