Let's see, for me it has been school and work, and a little bit training and knitting in between. For Brent, well it has been training for his upcoming mountain bike season and keeping the dogs entertained. Brent signed up for a 6 week training program at Weber State University. Right before he started going he went in and had his VO2 max testing, which he was quite excited about, and his results were awesome. I think the guy in the lab said "He's a monster." Apparently, Brent had the highest VO2 max that this lab has done, and came in at 72.8 (Lance Armstrong is way off the charts at 81.) So he was quite happy. Myself on the other hand, have just been squeezing any training in that I can and when I feel up to it. I am taking 11 credits this term, and that's one short of being full time. I decided to take clinic this term, so that means every Thursday afternoon I work at the clinic in school for 3 hours. It is fun that there are all different people that come in. I have also been working on Saturdays with our friend Nate, who is our massage therapist, up at Weber State Univ. He has been putting on a clinic for the student athletes up there, and it gives me a good chance to learn more sports specific protocols, the stuff that I'm really interested. All in all an awesome time and oppurtunity for me.
So on top of all of the busy-ness, Utah has been getting pounded with snow. I have attached some pics of the fun we have been having. The first group is snowshoeing with the dogs the night before we went back to IL for Christmas. There was so much snow that the dogs are pretty much swimming through it. The next pics are of our New Year's Eve. We went snowshoeing up above North Ogden with friends, and watched the fireworks from above. It was so great! The final group of pics are from our latest dumping, 2 feet of snow in our yard in one day! So great. We are lucky to have very nice neighbors who have a snow blower, and make their way over to our driveway. Well I think that's all I have for now. I try to keep updating this more often.
The Drive up to Snowbasin

They decided to try to make it up this little hill,
and around the tree. It only took like 5 minutes,
but Mindy was not about to give up, and Kona followed.

Kona going off piste!

New Year's Eve above North Ogden

North Ogden to Salt Lake on the Eve

The whole group and of course some champagne!

Backyard after the storm!

Backyard after the storm!

Can you imagine if we would have needed to shovel?
Look at the height of the snow compared to the

First Tracks! And 1st Dump!

1 comment:
Well...the pictures on your blogs have definitely improved! ;)
Hope all is well with you guys. Miss you lots!
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